A Score for the Nursery

It will probably be a while before I do another project nursery post BUT I was too excited about this score to wait any longer!

I knew I wanted to find a dresser that I could re-purpose opposed to buying a brand new one for the nursery. After checking Craigslist diligently, I scored this baby!

Picture from Craigslist.
Picture from Craigslist.
Picture from Craigslist.
Picture from Craigslist.

Um, a solid wood Broyhill dresser with a mirror for $150?! SOLD.

After looking for a dresser for the nursery on every possible site I could think of, I was quite disappointed that I couldn’t find anything that I even liked a little bit. Why is furniture made without any regard to quality nowadays?! You’ve probably heard me ramble on about this before, but I just refuse to buy furniture, new or used, that is not solid wood. I don’t want veneer or MDF or compressed wood – I want solid, quality, last FOREVER and a day furniture. I did find this dresser on Wayfair

WayfairIt is solid pine, which is a soft wood (at least it’s wood), but it’s almost $230! I mean… it’s nice and I could use the top for a changing table because I don’t plan on getting a changing table, but $230 for FOUR drawers?! Sigh. Am I over thinking this?

Did I ever mention that this nursery project is on a budget? Well, it is. That being said, I didn’t really want to spend more than $200 for a dresser, but the lower the better. So, I started looking on Craigslist and found a bunch of dressers at that price point that I could totally re-purpose. I had a bunch picked out and missed out on them because I took too long to inquire. WELL, when I stumbled upon the Broyhill dresser my jaw dropped! BUT it was priced at $250 and was an hour away. BUMMER. I didn’t want to insult the sellers by any means, but I shot them an email and asked if they would accept $150. They said that was too low and I said, “Okay, I understand. Please let me know if you change your mind.” A week later they emailed me back and told me that if I came and got it that weekend they would accept my offer. YAY! So Saturday morning Hubs and I drove an hour away to snatch this baby up!

Fast forward to getting it home and boy.was.it.dirty. =\ There was pet hair all over it, under it, in the drawers… it was pretty yucky. Nothing a shop vac and some good elbow grease couldn’t fix though! I mean… look at the size of this thing! Look at all that storage space! The cabinet door on the bottom actually has two smaller drawers in it as well.

Project NurseryI took the vacuum to it and used some Murphy’s Oil Wood Soap* (that my wonderful neighbor let me borrow) to scrub it down and WA-LA!

I’m not actually 100% sold on the mirror yet, but I’ll see how that looks once we get it upstairs in the nursery.

Is this a total score or what!?

*Amazon affiliate link

5 thoughts on “A Score for the Nursery

  1. I love the mirror! You should chalk paint it like all those tutorials I’ve seen. They look awesome. Thats a super nice dresser tho!

    1. Thank you! I scoured Craigslist for a long time! I do like the dresser, I just don’t know if I LOVE the dresser. I am going to wait until it’s in the nursery to decide if I want it up or not. I like that it doesn’t span the whole dresser so that means I put artwork on either side.

    1. I was definitely excited to hear back from them! My husband is a really matchy-matcher so when this baby gets to be at the age where they are in a full size bed (twin, queen, whatever) he wants to get a matching set. I’m fine with that – getting this dresser at a great price works for us right now with the budget we are at. I really love the dresser though and will most definitely find a place for it somewhere in the house even when it’s not being used as the “nursery” dresser.

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